This course is mainly intended for first-year students in Mathematics and Computer Science under the LMD system.
Credit: 5 Coefficient: 3
Weekly Teaching Workload:
· Course (number of hours per week): 1 hour 30 minutes
· Tutorials (number of hours per week): 1 hour 30 minutes
· Practical Work (number of hours per week): 0
Teacher responsible for the subject : Bououden Rabah Contact :
Contents :
Chapter 1 : Logic
Chapter 2 : Sets, relations and functions
Chapter 3: Algebraic Structures.
·Chapter 4: Rings of Polynomials.
Bibliographical references: Books, Lecture Notes, Websites...
· Mendelson, Elliot, Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Academic Presss, 2001.
· J. Franchini et J. C. Jacquens, Algèbre : cours, exercices corrigés, travaux dirigés, Ellipses, Paris, 1996.
· C. Degrave et D. Degrave, Algèbre 1ère année : cours, méthodes, exercices résolus, Bréal, 2003.
· S. Balac et F. Sturm, Algèbre et analyse : cours de mathématiques de première année avec exercices corrigés, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires romandes, 2003.