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    Institute : Science and Technology

    Department: Common Core Department of Science and Technology.

    Target public: First year engineering (civil engineering, mechanical engineering, process engineering)

    Fields of Specialization: Mathematics

    Course title: Analysis 1

    Credit: 6

    Coefficient: 3

    Duration: 15 weeks

    Weekly timetable: 1h 30 min of course and 3 hours for tutorial group

    Place of teaching: Lecture hall 2 and classrooms 10, 21, 22

    Teacher: Hocine RANDJI

    Evaluation methods: A final exam , short tests.
    Target skills: 
    The aim of this course is to bridge the knowledge in analysis acquired in high school with the foundations that will be a cornerstone in the mathematical analysis training at the undergraduate level. Given that admission to the first year of analysis will be exclusively for holders of a technical mathematics baccalaureate, it seems prudent to start by revisiting elementary concepts that will be used throughout this course, to ensure that nobody gets lost along the way.

    Recommended Prerequisite Knowledge:

    Elementary Mathematics from High School.

    Any questions, please send me an email.

  • Chapter 01: Properties of the set of real numbers R

    The main topics in this chapter are:

    • Upper bound, lower bound, bounded set.
    • Maximum element, minimum element.
    • Supremum (least upper bound), infimum (greatest lower bound).
    • Absolute value, integer part (floor function).

  • References:


    .بابا حامد، بن حبيب، التحيل  1  تذكير بالدروس و تمارين محلولة عدد  300  ترجمة الحفيظ مقران، ديوان المطبوعات الجامعي *

    In English

    • Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum's outline of theory and problems of advanced calculus, Mcgraw-Hill (1968).
    • Terence Tao, Analysis 1 (3rd edition), Springer (2016).
    • Glyn James,  Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson (2020).
    • Bill Cox, Understanding Engineering Mathematics,  Newnes, (2001).

    En français:

    • BOUHARIS  Epouse, OUDJDI DAMERDJI Amel, Cours et exercices corrigés  d’Analyse 1,   Première année Licence MI Mathématiques et Informatique, U.S.T.O, 2020-2021. 
    • Benzine BENZINE, Analyse réelle cours et exercices corriges, première année maths et informatique (2016),
    • N. Piskounov, Calcul differentiel et integral T1 (8ème édition), 2 édition mir. Moscou.