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Normed Vector Spaces
Functional Analysis studies the functions, as elements of certain spaces, called functional. It
has been developed based mainly on the study of normed vector spaces; and, more particularly,
complete normed vector spaces (Banach spaces). The benefit of having complete normed
spaces is that we have properties of existence within them: for any sequence of Cauchy, there
is an element which is its limit. This course is aimed to 3rd year mathematics students, during
semester 5. It requires a good knowledge of general Topology. Having some knowledge of
complex variable functions, integrals, series, linear algebra,..etc. will also be useful.Semestre : S5
Credit: 5 Coefficent: 3
Unité d’Enseignement : Fondamentale, UEF5.1.2.
Volume horaire d’enseignement hebdomadaire:
· Cours : 1h30 h
· Travaux Dirigés : 1h30 h
Dr: Rakia Ahmed-Yahia