Chapter 1: Limited Developments
1. Comparison relations
2. Limited developments in the vicinity of zero
(a) Definitions of a limited development and Taylor-Lagrange theorem
(b) Usual limited development
(c) Operations on limited developments
3. Limited developments in the vicinity of a point, in the vicinity of infinity and generalized
limited developments.
4. Applications of limited developments (calculation of limits, equations of tangent and
Chapter 2: Calculation of Primitives
1. Definitions and properties (primitive, integral, and definite integral)
2. Integration methods
(a) Integration by parts
(b) Integration by change of variable
3. Integration of a rational fraction
4. Integration of a rational fraction in sin and cos
5. Integration of a rational fraction in exponential
6. Integration of a rational in sin(h) or cos(h).
Chapter 3: Differential Equations
The main topics in this chapter are:
1. Definitions
2. First-order differential equations.
(a) Separable variable differential equations.
(b) Linear differential equations.
(c) Bernoulli differential equations.
(d) Homogeneous differential equations with respect to x and y :
3. Second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients.