detailed contents

Chapter N° 1 : Basic concepts

  1. The physical and macroscopic properties of matter and its transformations
  2. weight chemical laws
  3. qualitative aspect of matter
  4. solutions
  5. Quantitative aspect of matter

Chapter N° 2 : Composition of the Atom

  1.  Constituents of the atom
  2. Composition of a Nucleus
  3. Rutherford's Atomic Model.
  4. Description of atom.
  5.  Isotopes.

Chapter N° 3: Radioactivity

  1. mass decrease in a nuclear reaction
  2. Nuclear binding energy
  3. Binding energy per nucleon
  4. radioactivity
  5. Natural and artificial radiation

Chapter N° 4: Electronic structure of atoms

  1. Ruheforrd’s atomic model
  2. The Dual Nature Of Light
  3. Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen
  4. Absorption spectrum of hydrogen atom
  5. Bohr model
  6. Sommerfeld model

Chapter N° 5 Periodic Table of Elements

  1. electronic Structure of Multi-electron Atoms
  2. Periodic Table of Elements.
  3. The Periodic Properties of the Elements

آخر تعديل: Saturday، 2 December 2023، 3:26 PM