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  • Généralités

    In this academic module, we have provided general definitions for science and technology careers, where an engineer is defined as a person who can translate scientific concepts and principles into tools and systems that are used for the betterment of people's lives.

     It emphasizes the importance of the effective solution of complex problems related to design, production and implementation. An

    engineer must have technical, economic, social, and humanitarian knowledge, international language skills, and on-the-job experience.

    Engineers work in a variety of industries and sectors, including electronics and IT engineers, aerospace engineers, mechanical

    engineers, civil engineers, and business engineers.

    Semester: 1

    Teaching unit: UED 1.1

    Subject 1: Careers in Science and Technology 1

    VHS: 10:30 p.m. (Class: 1h30)

    Credits: 1

    Coefficient: 1

    Teacher: M.S. Benlatreche

    Contact: msbenlatreche@centre-univ-mila.dz

    Availability: every Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in office 35 (block 4).

    or via meet: https://meet.google.com/cwy-fobf-ogy : Sunday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Monday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. 

    Evaluation methods: A 100% final exam.

    Responses by e-mail: I undertake to respond by e-mail within 24 hours of receipt of the message, unless unforeseen circumstances arise.

    Objective of the subject:

    Introduce the student, in a first step, to all the sectors covered by the Field of Sciences and Technologies and in a second step a range of professions leading to these sectors. In the same context, this subject introduces the new challenges of sustainable development as well as the new professions that can result from them.

    Recommended prior knowledge : None.

    Content of the material:

    1.What are engineering sciences? (2 weeks)

    The engineering profession, history and challenges of the 21st century, Search for a profession/recruitment ad by keyword, develop a simple job description (job title, company, main activities, required skills (knowledge, know-how , relational

    2. Electronics, Telecommunications, Biomedical Engineering, Electrotechnics, Electromechanics, Optics & Precision Mechanics: (2 weeks)

    - Definitions, fields of application (Home automation, embedded applications for automobiles, Video surveillance, Mobile telephony, Optical fiber, Advanced scientific instrumentation, Imaging and medical instrumentation, Giant mirrors, Contact lenses, Transport and distribution of electrical energy, Electricity production plants, Energy efficiency, Maintenance of industrial equipment, Elevators, Wind turbines, etc.

    - Role of the specialist in these areas.

    3.Automation and industrial engineering sectors: (1 week)

    - Definitions, areas of application (automated industrial chains, Numerical Control machine tools, Robotics, Inventory management, Goods traffic management, Quality, - Role of the specialist in these areas.

    4.Process Engineering, Hydrocarbons and Petrochemical Industries: (2 weeks)

    - Definitions, Pharmaceutical industry, Food industry, Leather and textile industry, Biotechnologies, Chemical and petrochemical industry, Plastics industry, Energy sector (oil, gas), etc.

    - Role of the specialist in these areas.

    5. Sustainable development (SD): (4 weeks)

    Definitions, Global issues (climate change, Demographic transitions, Depletion of resources (oil, gas, coal, etc.), Depletion of biodiversity, etc.), SD diagram (Sustainable = Viable + Liveable + Equitable), SD actors (governments , citizens, socio-economic sector, international organizations, etc.), Global nature of SD challenges

    6. Sustainable engineering: (4 weeks)

    Definition, Principles of sustainable engineering (definitions of: sustainable energy/energy efficiency, sustainable mobility/eco-mobility, valorization of resources (water, metals and minerals, etc.), sustainable production), Relevance of sustainable engineering in ST sectors , Relationship between sustainability and engineering, Responsibility of engineers in carrying out sustainable projects, …

    Student’s personal work for this subject:

    The teacher responsible for this subject can let his students know that he can always evaluate them by offering to prepare job descriptions. Ask students to watch at home a popular science film related to the chosen profession (after having given them either the film on electronic media or having indicated to them the internet link to this film) and ask them to then submit a written report or to make an oral presentation of the summary of this film, etc. The improvement of these activities is left to the discretion of the teacher and the training team who are the only ones able to define the best way to take this personal work into account in the overall mark of the final exam.

    Group work: Development of job descriptions for professions in each sector based on recruitment advertisements found on job application sites (e.g. http: //www.onisep.fr/Decouvert-les-metiers, www .indeed.fr, www.pole-emploi.fr) (1 sector / group).

    Depending on the capacities of the establishments, recommend calling on doctoral students and former graduates of the establishment in a tutoring/mentoring system where each group can call on its tutor/mentor to develop the job description/discover the different ST professions .

    Evaluation method:

    100% review

    Bibliographic references:

    1- Quels métiers pour demain ? Éditeur : ONISEP, 2016, Collection : Les Dossiers.

    2- J. Douënel et I. Sédès, Choisir un métier selon son profil, Editions d'Organisation, Collection : Emploi & carrière, 2010.

    3- V. Bertereau et E. Ratière, Pour quel métier êtes-vous fait ? Editeur : L’Étudiant, 6e édition,  Collection : Métiers, 2015.

    4- Le grand livre des métiers, Éditeur : L'Étudiant, Collection : Métiers, 2017.