Topic outline

  • Matter : Elments of mechanics


                   Target public: First year common core (engineering cycle)               

                                                  Semestre: 1

                                                 Teaching Unit: UEF 1.2


    Credit: 7

    Coefficient: 4

    Duration: 15 weeks

    Weekly timetable: - 1h 30 min of course 

                                   - 3h for tutorial group

    Place of teaching: Lecture hall 3

    Evaluation methods:  - Final exam      60%

                                          - Short tests      20% 

                                          - Practical work 20%

    • Contact form

      Institute : Science and Technology


      Department: Common Core Department of Science and Technology

      • Responsable of matter

                 h       Salim AOULMIT                    e

                        Availability: every Monday from 9:30am-12am in office 17 (block 4)

        • Teaching objectives

          Introduce the student to the basics of the mechanics of point through three main parts: 

          - kinematics 

          - dynamics

          - work and energy

          • Prerequisites

            Basics of mathematics and physics

            • Table of content

              Chapter 1: Fundamental concepts

              ·         Dimensional analysis

              ·         Vector calculation (scalar product, cross product).

              ·         Derivation and integration of vectors.

              Chapter 2:   Kinematics of material point

              ·         Position vector in coordinate systems (Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, curvilinear)

              ·         Velocity and acceleration in coordinate systems.

              ·         Trajectory.

              ·         Movement of the material point in the different coordinate systems.

              ·         Relative movement.

              Chapter 3:  Dynamics of Material Point

              ·         Generality: Mass - Force - Moment of force – Absolute and Galilean Reference.

              ·         Principle of conservation of momentum

              ·         Newton's laws.

              ·         Differential equation of motion.

              ·         Kinetic momentum.

              ·         Applications of the fundamental law for forces

              Chapter 3: Work and Energy

              ·         Work of a force.

              ·         Kinetic Energy.

              ·         Potential energy.

              ·         Conservative and non-conservative forces

              ·         Total energy theorem.