Topic outline

  • General

    1.   Contact form

    2.    Institute : Science and Technology

    3.    Department: Common Core Department of Science and Technology.

    4.    Target public: Third Year of  GP

    5.    Course title: Momentum Transfer

    6.    Credit: 2

    7.    Coefficient: 1

    8.    Duration: 15 weeks

    9.    Weekly timetable: 1h 30 min of course

    10.  Place of teaching: classroom 11 section 1

    11.  Teacher: REZGOUN SARRA

    12.  Contact: rezgoun.s

    13.  Evaluation methods: A final exam 100%

    14.  Responses by e-mail: I promise to reply by e-mail within 24 hours of receiving the message, except in the case of unexpected circumstances.

     15.  Teaching objectivesLearn to analyze typical problems encountered in fluid mechanics (problem statement, formulation and analytical solution); Make balances of momentum and mechanical Chapitre III Dynamique des fluides incompressibles parfaits energy for simple unidirectional systems; Obtain the speed profile and deduce the other quantities of interest (flow rates, forces, pressure losses, etc.).

  • Topic 2